Celebration Essentials 3.0

Installation Process






How to get the nanokontrol2 lights to work


1.    To get the nanokontroler2 light to work with Mainstage first download the Korg Kontrol Editor and the USB-Midi Driver from the website.

2.    Once you have installed them in your Mac computer make sure the nanoKONTROLER2 is plugged in.

3.    Open the Korg Kontrol Editor App, select the controller and press ok

4.    The interface will appear on the screen

5.    Go to Korg File Menu and select (Open) is going to ask you if you want to save the changes press (no)

6.    Now look for the Folder that was downloaded from the website and click the nanoKontrol2 items folder and select the (CE 3.nktrl2_data) scene file and press Open.

7.    This will load our CE 3.0 nanoKONTROL2 setting for mainstage

8.    Once it has been loaded go to the top menu and select the (Communication Tab) and select the (Write scene Data) or press CommandT

9.    This will complete the assignment.

10.Congratulations you are ready to roll!!!!













Where to Place .CST Patches


1.    Select the CE 3.0 Concert Patches Folder

2.    Copy the CE 3.0 cst folder and go to Music/Audio Music Apps/Channel Strip Settings/Instruments

3.    Paste the CE 3.0 cst folder there

4.    Congratulations you are done.

5.    Now the same carpet will appear when you select a channel strip instrument Inspector window under (User Channel strip settings folder)






Where to Place .patch Patches


1.    Select the CE 3.0 Concert Patches Folder

2.    Copy the CE 3.0 .patch folder and go to Music/Audio Music Apps/Patches/Instruments

3.    Paste the CE 3.0 cst folder there

4.    Congratulations you are done.

5.    Now the same carpet will appear under the patch Library/User Patches under the same name